
November 15th 2024

Give A Smile Day

 The winter months bring along with them shortened days and shortened sunlight hours. Seasonal affective disorder is a condition that afflicts many members of our community because of decreased exposure to sunlight. Smiles make people feel better. Smiles are infectious. Smiles are a means by which we can express happiness and share joy with others.

We know that smiles are a flush for oral facial stress as it takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 to smile. Some within society can not smile with confidence due to poor oral health and broken-down teeth. Please join me on November 15th 2024, please wear a smile sticker to support our efforts to promote mental health and oral health awareness. Together we can help make people happy via the social exchange that takes place by giving away a smile sticker and we can make this world a happier place.


Want to get involved?

Send us a message about how you too can give a smile.